Hi there!

If you're reading this message, it's probably because you've blocked/disabled JavaScript in your browser.

That's cool and all – no judgement here. But the thing is, our site really needs JavaScript to show you all the neat stuff we do here at Kairos Media.

One especially neat thing? We set up our website to prevent all tracking tags and scripts from firing until after a user has consented to their use. So, if you wanted to check this page out with JavaScript enabled, we'll let you do that without winding up on any ad retargeting lists.

We even added a big, sticky banner to the first page you'll visit to explain all this...but the banner requires JavaScript, too. Sort of a chicken-and-egg situation, really...

Anyways, hope that's cool with you! Sincerely,

– The Management

Website Planning & Architecture

Create the roadmap for your organization’s online presence – before the first line of code is written.​

In any marketing initiative, your website will be the critical touchpoint online.​

Your website is the primary online hub for all of your organization’s marketing efforts, both online and offline. In order to guide your audience towards the interactions that matter most – whether that’s accessing key content, evaluating service offerings, making online purchases – your website needs to offer visitors an intuitive, compelling user experience. That all starts with the design and information architecture upon which your site is built.

How does Kairos help?​​​

Understand the benefits of website planning & architecture services for your organization.

Identify key user personae and use-cases for your site

In order to create an ideal user experience for your website, first you’ll need to determine who the ideal audiences are, and what they’ll want to accomplish when they interact with you online. Digital marketers can accomplish this through the creation of “user personas” (representations of your ideal visitors), as well as “use cases” (the intended process by which users can engage with your website).

Connect visitors with what they want, when they want it

Content structure plays an essential role in attracting – and retaining – audiences online. Factors such as the organization of navigational menus and elements, the layout of page templates, and overall linking structure all play a role in delivering a positive user experience and encouraging greater engagement.

Improve findability – for users and search engines

One of the key objectives of information architecture is to enable users to find the content they’re looking for. This is also the goal of every modern search engine – to deliver the most relevant result possible for a given user’s specific search query. As such, the information architecture of your website is integral to its organic search performance, and to any other search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.

Drive more key interactions with your audience online

Ideally, your website should provide visitors with the information they’re looking for, when they’re looking for it, while offering clear navigation and access. Planning and designing your online presence with your audience in mind enables your organization to structure the user experience in order to maximize key user interactions, while minimizing those bottlenecks and breakpoints which discourage user engagement.